Puttin’ on the Britz

We picked up our home (for the next 4 weeks) on wheels from Britz near the Auckland airport Wednesday morning. It’s 18 feet of Toyota campervan goodness with beds, burners, fridge and a sink.   

We logged around 250 km today (including a few laps circling a roundabout in the wrong direction) finally safely arriving at the Waitangi Holiday Park for a beer, sunset and bed. 

Auckland, New Zealand

On our first day in Auckland we visited the Sky Tower, at 328 meters or 1,076 ft. tall it’s the tallest building in town. 

 We returned at sunset. 

Our 2nd day here found us on a ferry ride to this volcanic island. 

We were surprised that in just 600 to 1,000 years after it erupted it is now filled with all this vegetation. Including a 250-year-old tree. We could see downtown Auckland and Sky Tower from Rangitoto Island. We needed to 20X zoom to see it across the water, but it’s there. 
